The Class Browser displays the results from the code parsing thread. A tree format that starts at the root, branches into files which branch into three parts: included Global variables, files, functions and classes. This Includes references to the Global variables, files included and functions dead end at this branch, while classes branch again showing the member variables and member functions that belong to classes. Selecting a particular file shows up Global variables, functions and classes, which contain member variables, member fuctions, which in turn displays local variables. Double-clicking on an entry of the Class Browser will select the reference that defines this member in the editing window.
The icons that show up in above, denote the followings:
-- Denotes a variable( Global or Local).
-- Denotes a class file or a class exception .
-- Denotes a php file.
-- Denotes a public class function.
-- Denotes a private class variable.
The toolbar at the top of the Class Browser has the following buttons (from left to right):
button -- Sort by code in file.
button -- Sort alphabetically.
button -- Sort categorically.
button -- Toggle incremental search.
The first three buttons are self-explanatory,i.e, sort by code, sort by alphabetical order and sort categorized whereas, the last button needs a bit more. The "Incremental Search" function opens a text input field below the toolbar and above the tree display, this can be used to jump to the first occurrence of the search token. The display will highlight the match as the user types and will move the tree so that the match is shown in bold in the tree display.
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